Alamak... Wanted to read some blogs before I leave yet me kena tagged... Will try to do within 5 mins... here goes:
Layer One: On the OutsideName: Trepxe
Current status: What status?? Sitting down typing?? haha
Eye Colour: Brown I guess
Hair Colour: Black. Suppose to be brown one lor...
Righty or Lefty: Right!! And I am always right!
Layer Two: On the insideYour Heritage: Chinese
Your Fears: small, dark, hairy and sometimes can fly gaga
Your Weakness: Damn you chocolate
Your Perfect Pizza: Thin and crispy. Cheese cheese cheese!!!
Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, TomorrowYour thoughts first thing when i wake up: TAIWAN!!!
Your Bedtime: 1am?
Your most missed memory: My sec sch days
Layer Four: YOur PickPepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: Me prefer Mac...
Single or Group Dates: I like both as long as I got dates
Adidas or Nike: Adidas (3 swooshes is better than one)
Chocolate or Vanilla: Both...
Cappucino or Coffee: Isn't both coffee??? I like Cappucino though...
Layer Five: Do You...Smoke: No
Curse: Damn you I do...
Take a shower: Of course lah... Gundu
Have a crush: 'Had' ba...
Think you've in love: maybe?? maybe not??
Go to school: Where do u think where I got my degree from?
Want to get married: Bet u I do
Believe in yourself: Sometimes but lazy lah
Think you're a health freak: Look at my size then u noe liao lor
Layer Six: In the Past MonthDrank alcohol: yes... got drunk some more
Gone to the mall: Who do u think I am? Hermit?
Been on stage: Sadly no leh
Eaten Sushi: Jap is my fav food, u say leh?
Dyed your hair: Did I mentioned my hair is supposed to be brown?
Layer Seven: Have you ever... Played a Stripping Game: ermmmm.... Once I got a six pack I strip for u ok?
Changed who you were to fit in: Its called evolution
Layer Eight: AgeYou're hoping to get married: I wanna have a baby b4 30 though...
Layer Nine: In a Girl/GuyBest Eye Colour: As long as its nice
Best Hair Colour: As long as its nice
Short or long hair: As long as its nice
Layer Ten: What were you doing1 Min ago: Typing the answer to Layer two
1 hour ago: Breakfast
4.5 hours ago: zzzzzz
1 Month Ago: Working???
1 Year Ago: Forgot liao lah.. But I think i am slacking
Layer Eleven: Finish the sentenceI Love: to sleep
I Feel: excited... TAIWAN!!!
I Hate: Being neglected
I Hide: Secrets
I Need: LOVE!!!
Layer Twelve: Tag 5 peopleSusan Tan
Ah nuaz
Melting Lemon